What is Makhraj?


What is Makhraj?
Arabic : مَخْرَجٌ: مَكانُ خُرُوجِ الحُرُوفِ. يُؤثِّرُ في التَّجويدِ وَالتَّلاوَةِ الصَّحِيحَةِ لِلْقُرْآنِ
English : The areas of the mouth from which the Arabic alphabets are pronounced are called Makhraj.

The Parts of the Mouth:

1. Jawf (Empty Space in the Mouth)

  • When you pronounce jawf letters, your tongue is relaxed at the bottom of your mouth. Air simply flows out of your mouth.
  •  Jawf letters include: Alif with a jabar before it, Wow sakin with a pesh before it, and Yaa sakin with a jer before it.

2. Halq (Throat)

The throat has three different Makharij:

  • Aqsal halq (lowest part of the throat, close to the chest): Letters from this area include ء and ه.
  • Wastal halq (middle part of the throat): Letters include ع and ح.
  • Adnal halq (highest part of the throat): Letters include غ and خ.

3. Lisan (Tongue)

There are a few Makharij on the tongue.

  • Aqsal Lisaan (Deepest Part of the Tongue): The Makhraj of ق is at the back of the tongue, hitting the soft palate. ك is right in front of ق, hitting the hard palate.
  • Wastul Lisaan (Middle of the Tongue): Makhraj for Zeem, Sheen, and Yea is in the middle of the tongue, touching the top of the mouth.
  • Hafatul Lisaan (Sides of the Tongue): ض can be pronounced with the left side, right side, or both sides of the tongue touching the gums. ل is pronounced with the tip of the tongue touching the gums, moving from one side to the other.
  • Tarful Lisaan (Front Tip of Tongue): ن is slightly behind ل, touching the palate above it. ر is slightly behind ن, touching the palate above it. ت, د, and ط are pronounced with the front tip of the tongue touching the gumline of the top front teeth. ص, س, ز are pronounced with the front tip of the tongue touching the back of the bottom front teeth.
  • ث, ظ, ذ are pronounced from the front tip of the tongue touching the tip of the top front teeth.

4. Shafatan (Both Lips)

  • The Makhraj of م is when the dry parts of the top and bottom lips touch.
  • The Makhraj of ب is when the wet parts of the top and bottom lips touch.
  • The Makhraj of و is when the lips touch but not completely; they should be rounded.

5. Khoishum (Nose)

  • Only one letter comes from the nose, and that’s ن.

These descriptions should help you understand where the sounds of Arabic letters come from in your mouth more easily.


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